Hi Michel! Thanks for the note. I think you’re on the right track here — wondering why any “regular” people should care is the first question we need to be asking. Otherwise, what’s the point, right?
Here are a few ideas I have about explaining why regular people should care:
- The music industry. Blockchain could make music cheap for consumers, and it could give artists more rights.
- Investing. Blockchain can make it possible for young investors to own microportions of real estate.
- Subletting an apartment with blockchain could be huge!
- Streamlined online identity makes life so much simpler (I’m thinking uPort here)
These are just four simple products that are possible because of Blockchain, and I think that’s a good starting point. Consumers care about products that make their lives easier. They don’t necessarily need to know how that product technically works, just that it does.
I hope experts like you can help think “outside the block” if you will, to explain Blockchain in a way that your average Joe/Jane will care about!